Group Health Coaching Starts in October

Happy Summer Everyone!

I’m writing this newsletter from my deck as I watch over another nest of robins under an eave on the house. My tomatoes are almost ready to eat, and my flower gardens are loving yet another covering of mulch. I slowed down for a couple weeks and spent some time at my dear friend’s house that looks directly over the beautiful Pacific Ocean in Newport, Oregon. We shopped for the freshest fish and spent the afternoon prepping, cooking and eating. Goose and I had many long walks on the beach, but I honestly think he was happy to get in the car and come home.

The next week was a staycation while we walked early, gardened before the heat, and meal prepped and enjoyed the fresh and lovely meals I prepared. Have I mentioned that on the top of my bucket list is going to cooking schools around the Mediterranean? I am following a few people on the cutting edge of eating for brain health: @neuroreserve and @brainhealthkitchen and @MarkHyman to name a few. The takeaway for me is that what’s good for your heart is good for your brain. The brain health world conference was just held in Amsterdam. Food was a big subject and so was the MIND and Mediterranean Diet. Check it out; it’s worth taking a peek.

I will offer a Group Health Coaching starting mid-October, virtual and/or live here in Bend, Oregon. There will be separate groups for up to six people That will carry through until January 2024. I always offer individual coaching as well; that program is either three or six months or more. If either one of these sounds like something you would be interested in, please reach out to me.

I will also offer, once again, a virtual mat class starting the middle of September. I will post the details on my website and will send out the dates and times of these two classes. I’ve been teaching mat classes for 30 years but have not taught a weekly class since 2020, except when I’m teaching at Rancho La Puerta. It’s time to get back on the mat and at a convenient time for all of you. I hope that you will join me and others via Zoom. Depending on the demand, I may again offer a Restorative Yoga class.

I thank all of you who are spending time in the studio and your consistency, as well as those of you who are meeting me virtually on your Reformer. As you all know, I can’t say enough about Pilates and my passion for the work.

Please check out some new material on my website and upcoming dates for the virtual classes for Health Coaching and Pilates.

Here's to Your Health,
Coach Conni

Great Feedback about Walking

The walking clinic I held in June was a huge success and the June challenge was a lot of fun. I so appreciate the stories I received and how the walking clinic has changed participants’ perception about walking.

Check out the Walking page on my website to read a letter a guest wrote regarding her experience taking my walking class while at Rancho La Puerta. Consistency is key.

Visit my YouTube channel @conniramsey for more about walking.

Happy Trails!

New! Health & Wellness Coaching

Hi Everyone!

I’m writing from my home at Rancho la Puerta. I’ve been here for three weeks and have one more to go. I love the fact that I learn so much about myself while I’m here. I learn from being with myself journaling and reflecting on my life as it is right now, in this present moment, and from those guests that I have the privilege of working with.

I mentioned in my last newsletter that I’m studying to be an official Health and Wellness Coach. Though I have been coaching for years I now have the certificate to take my work further. I’m ready and eager to get started. I’ve been a coach for over 35 years under the umbrella of Pilates, Yoga/meditation, walking coach and life. Adding Health and Wellness coaching to the mix seems to complete and be the best fit as a well-rounded Coach.

Many people think that changing behavior for a few weeks through restricted challenges like cleanses and fad diets will be sustainable, only to find out they go back to where they were, eating the same, gaining back the weight that they may have lost, only to feel defeated with negative self-talk. We think it's lack of will power, and why is that?

From the book “Live Younger Longer” by Stephen Kopecky MD, research shows, however, that people who do have healthy habits aren’t really using all that much will power or conscious effort. Instead, they have learned to use positive behaviors. How does this positive behavior happen? This is what I want to share with others.

Join my 30-day reset and learn:

I am working on dates in May and the program while I’m here living my best life, and I hope to help all of you to live your best life too. I will be sending out another newsletter soon with the details. I'm so EXCITED for this new adventure that I hope to share with everyone. If you are interested, reach out to me via e-mail and let me know your interest and if you have questions. If a group is not your thing, I will also be available for one-on-one sessions. I will be offering ongoing coaching sessions for three to six months. Please contact me to see what that will look like for you. I should have on my website in the next month all that I will be offering and costs.

Along with my coaching practice I’m also studying a lot about brain health and the effects of food. I am so thrilled to be here this week at the ranch with @mindwhatmattersnonprofit with Elizabeth Humphreys, founder. Next week I will have an opportunity to learn more with Annie Fenn MD, @brainhealthkitchen. So excited to share the latest research on Alzheimer’s disease with all of you.  

On another note: my schedule in the studio fills up quickly coming into the summer months, if you are looking to get on that schedule and or want to add to your Pilates program, reach out ASAP.

I’m looking forward to a busy beautiful summer.



Rise and Walk

The walking fundamentals program has been quite a hit the three weeks I have been here at Rancho La Puerta. I was here at the Ranch the same time last year and presented a Specialty Walking Week in 2021. I had many of the same people come back to the walking classes to share their experiences, from learning correct techniques and being inspired from my walking program as a Coach, and the passion I have for the sport. It was exciting for me that they returned to learn more and also share with others.

Consistency is key. The message from all that shared was they enjoyed learning the Mind Body connection of Walking.

If you are looking to change up your walking program and don't know where to start I would love to share with you.