Let's Set Our Goals for 2024!

2023 treated me well. Looking back, I would not change a thing. From January through April, I was in full swing studying for my wellness and health coaching course. In May I took the exam and finished with a high passing score. Now on to continue studying for the national boards. I also took on my first health coaching client. I was honored this person reached out after reading about me on my website: coremovepilates.com. I truly felt I had found my passion and joy of helping others discover ways to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle. I ended up with a few more clients before year’s end. I send a shout out to my studio clientele for all the love and support they have given me during this time.

I spent a nice amount of time, five weeks, teaching and taking in all that Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico has to offer. I will return again to my seasonal position as an instructor at the end of April through mid-June, and then again from the middle of October through Thanksgiving.

The studio has been hopping. It’s always great to welcome new clients. In addition, I’m appreciative of my peeps who have been coming in two to three times a week for more than 15-20 years. I’m still loving the Pilates work and all of its wonderful benefits. I continue learning and studying with an array of my teachers, a very humbling experience that proves to me there is no end to learning. Last year, I was fortunate to meet and learn from Gil Hedley, who is a well-known anatomist. In addition to keeping continuing education on my bucket list, I want to visit Colorado Springs and do a 10-day intensive with Gil. Our bodies are such a great piece of equipment and the more you learn about them, the more fascinating it becomes. Never stop learning.

Cognitive health was a hot topic in 2023. I’ve been following and keeping up with the latest research from some of the leading scientists. (I always check and verify the source of my information.) It comes down to this: it’s never too late to start taking better care of us, and that goes beyond just the physical realm. Understanding cognitive health is key. Food is the current trend, including research-based solutions, such as from the late Dr. Marcia Morris and her daughter Laura. They wrote “The Official MIND Diet. Don’t be fooled! A lot of people are writing about the MIND diet. But check whether their work is well-researched and who is writing the material. There are a lot of wannabes.

What are your priorities? Do you need help identifying your goals and how to create sustainable habits for a lifetime, not just for January? Contact me and I can send you a health history form to complete that we can review. A good resource on this subject is “Living Younger Longer” by Stephen Kopecky. Let’s be the best we can be for the time we are here on this lovely planet.



My Other New Year Goals

Cooking: Yes, I have fallen in love with the practice of mindful medicine in my own kitchen. At times I’m a hero, then other times I fail, only to try again. I made all brain healthy treats, breads and cakes for the holidays. No white or brown sugar or white flour. It was a successful experiment. I prepared many great meals last year, with so much more to come out of my own kitchen in 2024. I’ve added a cooking retreat in Italy to my bucket list.

Walking: My walking goal this year is to get outside every day for any kind of walk or clinics, maybe a short race in the mix.

Peleton: My Peloton goal is twice, if not more, a week. I’ll do short rides, long rides and just riding. I consider my walking as aerobic, but the Peloton rides are different and I love the variety.

Pilates: Pilates is an everyday event, on or off the equipment, for me. I offer a virtual mat class on Thursday at 5pm. If you are interested, reach out and I will send you the link. The cost is $150 for 10 or $25 a class. It's a great way to maintain your practice at home.

Serenity: Yoga/meditation/journaling are high on my priority list. That is why I rise early, 4:30-4:45, so I arrive at my day more present.